Free Timesheet Templates


The world has become more digitized with each passing day. Everyone is striving to fit into the digital world both as individuals and as organizations. The use of Timesheets Templates and Time Cards is part of this change. Time Sheets and Time Cards are official documents that are used to indicate attendance. They are mostly used in workplaces to capture data on the attendance of employees.

They are used to capture the time of arrival and the time of departure. A Timesheet is a manual worksheet in which the employees manually fill in the time at which they arrived at work and the time at which they leave work. On the other hand, Time Cards are more automatic. Further, this is because all the employee has to insert the card into a machine. The machine will then insert a time stamp. This is also done twice every day at the time of arrival and the time of departure.

Uses of Timesheet/Time Card:

They are used to capture the employees’ attendance. Whether they are filled manually or automatically, Time Sheets and Time Cards are used to capture the work attendance of the employees. This is because it records the time in which the employee reports to work and the time in which they left the workplace. This means that if an employee was late for work or left work earlier then this information will be on the timesheet or time card. This is most useful, especially in large companies where they have numerous employees and those who work under minimum supervision. However, the timesheets and time cards act as a register to record work attendance.

These are used to promote accountability. As stated above, it might be difficult to keep track of all the employees, especially in large companies where the number of employees is numerous. Therefore, the timesheets/time cards are very helpful in keeping track of attendance. Sometimes the employees are usually paid according to the number of hours they have worked. In this case, the Time Sheets and Time Cards will allow you to count the working hours over a set period of time.

Time Sheets and Time Cards can also be used to determine the rate of absenteeism of an employee. In this way, the employee will be expected to give a valid reason to explain the absenteeism. If the employee intentionally failed to come to work with no permission from the authorities, it might attract strict penalties. It might even lead to the immediate interdiction of the employee if there is a zero-tolerance for absenteeism at the workplace. Therefore, it is important to take timesheets and time cards very seriously. Failing to fill in your timesheets or time cards will automatically reflect as absenteeism even if you were at work that day.\

Benefits of a Timesheet/Time card:

Timesheets/time cards are very beneficial for large organizations. As we all know keeping a record of your employee’s working hours is very necessary for all jobs. A timesheet/time card tells you about the time that the employees are spending in your organization whether it is productive or not. It helps you to figure out the potential and hardworking employees of your organization.

Here are some benefits of a timesheet/ time card:

Planning and Developing Perfect Quotes:

When you will have the knowledge about the time and effort consumed for the completion of each task then it will be very easy to plan for future tasks. It builds confidence in the contractors about the quotes that they will send to the clients. The knowledge of the estimated time that your team will spend on the project will aid you to make a plan for similar projects.

Make salary calculation simple:

Knowing the accurate record of employee working hours helps you to precisely calculate the salary of each employee. A timesheet/time card allows you to easily calculate the working hours of each employee.

Employee Performance tracking:

Tracking the attendance or working hours of the employee allows you to easily track the performance of each employee. In this way, you can easily identify hardworking employees and you can appreciate their efforts.

Reduces the risk of conflicts:

A timesheet/time card helps you to easily resolve all the conflicts arising in the attendance of the employees. You can easily track the attendance of each employee with its help of it. With the help of it, you can resolve all the misunderstandings between the employee and the management.

Free Timesheet / Time Card Templates:

We have an amazing collection of Timesheet Templates for our users for free to download and edit according to their needs. Check out the below templates that are available in Microsoft Excel formats.



Here is the download button for this timesheet template.




You can easily download this timecard template by clicking this download button.




Please click on this download button to get this MS Excel Timesheet Template for free.




Click on the below download button to grab this free timesheet template.




Here’s the download button for this amazing timecard template.




Hit a single click on the below download button and get this template as a freebie.




You can grab this accessible timesheet template by pressing this download button.




You can get this editable and free timecard template from this download button.




To easily download, please click on this animated button.




Download this amazing timesheet/time card template for free from here.


Tips for choosing the right Timesheet/ Time Card:

You should select the right template according to the type of your business. Choosing the right template is very necessary for your business. It helps you to calculate the attendance and the working hours of each employee. With the help of this, you can smoothly run your business by keeping everything on the right track.

Type of the Employment:

While choosing the template keep in the mind the type of employment you are offering. It is very necessary to select the template that contains appropriate columns for recording the attendance and the working hours of each employee. You should check out the laws of the state for the payment of employment before calculating the pay.

Look for a Simple Format:

If the format of the timesheet/ time card will be simple then it will be very easy for the management to fill out the form. With an easy format, the risk of confusion reduces because the person handling it will easily fill in the attendance and the working hours of each employee. The right timesheet/time card allows you to create an effective payment system for your business which makes things easy for you and your employees. You should use project codes for all the projects running by your organization. It will make the work easier for you. In this way, you can easily record the working hours of each employee on all the projects. It will reduce the risk of conflicts. A simple format will help you to record all the details easily in a well-managed way.